In Social Media

Social Media:  Don't Show Me Your Mug

A media outlet celebrating that it had reached a certain number of followers asked people for a retweet. For the retweet, some of the “lucky” tweeters would win a mug from the media outlet.

A mug? Awesome dude! I recently went to a modest event and, for simply showing up, I got a bag with three travel water bottles inside. But I didn’t get a mug … especially not one with a media logo on it.

I’ve got an ABC mug I’ve not used in years. I also have CBS and FOX ball caps collecting dust in a closet. My Miami Herald newspaper carrier bag is somewhere in the garage. I obviously need to update my media collection!

Breaking news:  People will retweet and share your content if they like it especially if they are loyal customers, or in this case, readers. You don’t need to ask. If that concept leaves too much to chance for you, ask for a retweet without an offer. If your followers are truly loyal, they are glad to share the greatness you offer the world. Finally, if you’re hard-core for contests, let’s raise the bar. Movie tickets? Grocery store gift cards? I helped you reach a high level of followers by being one of them. I helped promote you further by retweeting your contest. Is my prize a mug with a logo that further promotes your organization?

I don’t even drink from mugs. And most people with media mugs place them on an office shelf with 200 other outlets. No loyalty there!

If my loyalty is helping grow your business, I’m glad to help. I don’t need a prize. But if you insist, please offer me something I’ll be glad to tell my friends about.

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