In Video Production

Janice Hurley Dental Office Shoot - 2014-08-29 at 11-35-38

For a video, we interviewed someone who provided a series of excellent sound bites. But after the interview, two people mentioned to me they thought the woman spoke with a style that seemed forced.

Experience shows us some of the most frequent public speakers sometimes appear too polished. Their sound bites are excellent, but at times seem rehearsed as if someone is reciting lines they’ve delivered many times before. The people are overly aware of their presentation. They sometimes request to start over again when answering questions.

When speaking on camera, one of the goals is to sound conversational. In every day conversation with family and friends, you’ve probably shared a particular story more than once, but the story likely sounds slightly different each time you share it. You don’t try to tell the story the same way word for word. You don’t need to reinvent sound bites each time you deliver them, but they should sound fresh, conversational and not come across as scripted.

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