In Media Relations, Public Relations

Oh Canada! For Public Relations Pros, This Is A Great Move!

Here we are in Canada. We are smiling. But some people consider traveling to Canada without turning their frown upside down.

If some liberals and conservatives share something in common, they both threaten to move to Canada when elections or rulings don’t go their way. I doubt these angry Americans actually make the move. I doubt most of them even check if the policies they’re upset about are any better with our neighbors to the North. And if liberals and conservatives actually moved to Canada every time they got angry, most of them would simply end up living together across the border.

How does Canada feel about being the back-up plan when Americans get upset? Maybe some Canadians see The Flip Side and are flattered their country is the first choice.

If I were a real estate public relations pro in Canada, I would blast email great deals to liberals and conservatives every time they got angry. Better yet, before big elections or rulings, I would post online videos, plant news stories and strike up some social media strategy about Canada’s virtues. This would start up a subliminal conversation just before the volcano of political anger erupts.

“Like” Canada’s Facebook page the next time your political opponents push your buttons and possibly win a free weekend in your favorite province. Re-tweet “I’m moving to Canada” or connect with Canada on LinkedIn and potentially win an acre in the wilderness. Plus enjoy professional baseball, football and hockey just like you do now!

If nothing else, the public relations pro could probably persuade at least a few people to buy a summer home up North. My question is this:

If you trek up to Canada and then its politics piss you off, where do you threaten to move next?

“I’m moving back to America!”

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